When Clickturbation's Lost It's Fun, You're..

Like anyone who sets their alarm for 6:30 in the morning only to smash snooze for half an hour, I try to tier my routine. If I manage to stay awake by 6:38, I award myself with the luxury of reading the morning generic email while in bed. This is a routine swipe through the NYT, Playbooks, strange deals and the revamped Digg.

 I missed pretty much every award I could self-nominate for so nothing was read until I walked into my office. 

Which lead to a delicious journey about cronuts. When nothing happened I did what I've grown accustomed to doing. I clicked.

The frightening part about Tapestry is how easy it is to use. Like going frame by frame in a gif, it can build out a cronut case or taking the piss out of terrible holiday news.

Slideshows are popular models to build page views and create content decks that if shown on a single page barely look like 700 words. Spread across 12 pages it looks like a magnificent monster. The only downside to the platform is being tied to Giphy, since I can't use my preferred go-to gif.