When People Die: A Timeline Of How To Cover Someone's Death

"We especially liked the bit about how 25 year old art-richie scion Dash Snow (vaguely related to Uma Thurman, brother dates MK Olsen) goes about crafting his work…We mean, God, we can’t believe he gets paid to just sit and jizz all over Post headlines all day … wait."

-E.G., 1/10/2007

"Last night in West Chelsea, at a gallery opening full of Pabst Blue Ribbon and those that enjoy it, collector and show curator Simon Cerigo found that one of his artists had gone missing, according to an attendee. Young Dash Snow, the semen-painter, New York mag art star and (inadvertent?) conceptual prankster of the downtown scene, never actually sent in any “art" for the show. Instead, someone from the gallery—Dinter Fine Art—hung up some doodled-on Village Voices that said “Dash Snow Peace." (On the price list, it was credited to Cerigo.) Jeez, Dash—even psych-folkie Devendra Banhart managed to get his work in on time for the show. And he doesn’t even work in bodily fluids. Yet."

-C.S., 3/2/2007

"Remember Dash Snow, downtown it-boy artist who worked in the "Jizzing all over on NY Post headlines" motif? Yes well, he’s been keeping busy making these: $62 limited edition t-shirts reading “LEFT ALL WASHED UP." Exactly as you would have guessed."

-H.N., 6/16/08

"Dash’s other items for sale included T-shirts and his coke, sold on Ebay. Whether you liked his art or not, you have to admire the fact that he was a unique dude. R.I.P"

-H.N. 7/14/2009

Moral of the Story: When the coked out artist dude dies and your site has spent the last year or two sort of mocking him, you totally have to feel bad when he ODs. Because, like, that’s life, man. Brah. Etc. ALSO I GUESS HE’S ALL WASHED UP NOW. (get it?)